Monday, July 7, 2008

My Very Own Internet..

The glorious day has finally come where I can say I have my own internet connection at my apartment. The application process was somewhat lengthy and tedious but I'm glad that everything has worked out in the long run.

After getting my Alien Registration Card (ARC) it needed to be faxed over to the internet company as proof of my legal immigrant and working status. The card takes about a month to issue so I wasn't able to send the internet application until I had the card on hand.

The conventional ineternet connection in Japan is high speed DSL which requires having an individual phone line in my apartment. I had not connected a phone line, so this added another week to the process. When my line was activated and phone number confirmed, it was finally okay to go ahead with obtaining internet service.

Being a regular working business, the internet company was only able to ship the modem package on weekdays during regular business hours (monday - friday, 9 - 5). Since I was at work during the delivery I received a "failure to delivery" notification from the courier and had to arrange another drop off or pick up. The notice was entirely in Japanese so I had to get one of my friends to contact the courier for me. She was nice enough to call and re-schedule another drop off at my apartment later in the evening. After about a month and a half of stealing wireless internet, going to internet cafes, or using internet at friend's houses, I can confidently browse the web within the comfort of my own walls!

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