Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Back to Business

Summer vacation has officially ended and it's time to go back to work. This week in particular isn't going to be much fun since it will be the busiest one so far as a teacher. On top of my regular weekly class load, there are a handful of seminars everyday which I need to make teaching materials for.

Heading back towards work was dreadful but something occurred which kept my spirits in high capacity. The gift giving tradition here in Japan is phenomenal. Japanese people simply love to give gifts, mostly souvenirs from their trips when they go on vacation. Since most of my students traveled or visited places outside the Chiba/Tokyo area they brought back various snacks and souvenirs for myself and the other teaching staff. One of my high school students went to Australia and she brought me back a keychain and pen. My students are sooooo awesome!

I ate most of the snacks during lunch and throughout the rest of the day. I still had a large amount and they'll probably last over the next couple of weeks. All the kids are so sweet and I was so surprised they would shower me in snacks and gifts. If this continues for the rest of the week, I might not need to make lunch over the next few days. It's going to be hard not to play favourites with kids now...


cinnamin said...

mmm japanese snacks!! lol
how old are your students??

ウィリアム クワン (William Kwan) said...

these were from students ranging from 4 to 15 years old!

one student also gave me a set of pictures from a vacation he took with his mom.. it was so sweet. they tried writing English captions on the back explaining them!