Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Here's a shot of downtown Osaka from the Umeda Sky Garden. This was my second trip to Osaka and this time around I didn't have a dead camera battery. While there really isn't much to do around here compared to Tokyo the food and shopping is still great.

Food like fresh manta ray and eels!

Okonomiyaki is always delicious-- I think it's a multi-purpose food suitable for all types of situations. Got a new job or promotion? Have some okonomiyaki. Celebrating a birthday with some friends? Okonomiyaki. Break up with that long time boyfriend/girlfriend? Feel better with some okonomiyaki.

The famous Namba takoyaki stand. This line-up goes on and on but the wait is always worth it. Perhaps it was a bit inflated though since it was Golden Week.

Yes, this is the same line from up above and it stretches further still. Perhaps my Japanorama blog should start including some panoramic shots. Too bad I'm utterly lazy and probably couldn't stitch a photo if my life depended on it.

Artificial plastic food placed in glass display cases is probably like the best idea ever. Not only does it help with decision making I can now effectively complain and bitch to myself and others when the meal that arrives to my table is different from the piece of plastic I pointed too. Efficiency at its best =].

Have yet to try fugu (pufferfish), but I will definitely do it before my days are numbered in Japan. However if not prepared properly my days in Japan will be numbered. Isn't it beauitful harmony? I still remember that old Simpsons episode when Homer ate a piece and presumably had 24 hours to live.

The More You Know...! (insert lightbulb)
Fugu contains lethal amounts of the poison tetrodotoxin in the organs, especially the liver and ovaries, and also the skin. The poison, a sodium channel blocker, paralyzes the muscles while the victim stays fully conscious, and eventually dies from asphyxiation. Currently, there is no known antidote, and the standard medical approach is to try to support the respiratory and circulatory system until the poison wears off.

After one year I'm still fascinated at the way some buildings are designed and plastered with menus and various other advertisements. Maybe because I don't understand half of it the puzzlement continues to prove interesting.

Hitachi Tower in the Tennoji area. Not really sure of its significance but I'm sure it has some meaning since someone obviously put the time and effort into making it all pointy with lights.

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