Friday, December 12, 2008

Beat Up by Schoolgirls

Today I encountered some of my Junior High School students and was assaulted shortly after seeing them. I took a vicious series of flailing arms and fists to the shoulder area, and was also victim of a swift kick just below the kneecap. Since I left in an emergency last week I had no time to personally tell the students or parents that I would be missing for the week. My Junior High's were under the impression I abruptly left without saying goodbye and that I wasn't planning on returning. It was actually quite scary and sort of sweet.

When class ended both of them took out their cell phones and exclaimed: "Let's take some pictures!" Just in case I do plan on leaving without any notice, they now have a few photos. They also asked for my keitai e-mail address... to which I responded "uhh.. I don't have one." Probably the best thing to do!

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