Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Outdoor Skating

Dropped by Roppongi Hills over the weekend and wasn't really too impressed with what it had to offer. Sure the mall was pretty structurally impressive but I definitely think the place is overhyped. Maybe because it's for the designer shops and brands but that doesn't really make my milk moo. The point of interest I found to be the most amusing was the outdoor skating rink just outside the Asahi TV station.

I'll admit I was definitely tempted to hop over the barrier and give it a whirl, but given that I haven't skated for like 4 years I wasn't ready to induce pain to myself and cause other multiple accidents with the innocent children within the confined quarters. The fact that the ice surface also looked like sand in a park was also a little discouraging. Finally, everyone intelligent knows that rollerblading is the only way to go. (Not that I have my rollerblades here though.. dammit >_<)

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